Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net

Do you think that Tower Defence is balanced?

  • Yes completely

  • Yes but not through-out the whole game (Explain)

  • Sometimes (Explain)

  • 100% no! (Please explain your reasons)

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Forum Expert
Aug 18, 2019
Ok honestly, regardless if this gets ported over to Bedrock or not, having underground mobs sounds really good, maybe silverfish (as they are pretty much very useless as of time of making this post).

If underground mobs happen, here is some suggestions that I have.
Underground mobs pros:
Cannot be attacked by player weapons
Some sword and bow abilities
Unable to be targeted by the following towers:
Archer Tower
Necromancer Tower lvl 1, lvl 2, and lvl 3 shulker path
Turret Tower
Zeus Tower
Sorcerer Tower
Mage Tower
Leech Tower (Partly)
Poison Tower
Underground mobs cons:
Ice Tower
Artillery Tower
Leech Tower (Partly)
Quake Tower
Low Health
Some sword and bow abilities

Im going to explain my reasoning for what I listed above.

Cannot be attacked by player weapons, for pretty obvious reasons, if mobs are underground, it is pretty hard to wack them with a weapon.

Some sword and bow abilities that won't have an effect is also pretty obvious, something like the shulker bullets from the bow or spikes and fire from the sword won't work, as (how I see it) is that shulker bullets don't go into the ground, and that spikes are embedded into the ground, which can be valtz around as it is just bumping into a not sharp part of the spike, and there isn't a lot of oxygen in the ground, so fire doesn't really work. On the flip side the Freeze and Quake on the sword works really well, and applies damage, and the same thing with the bazooka for the bow, but for the sniper I think it can go into the ground a bit doing damage if it hits a mob.

Most of the towers that won't do anything should mostly be obvious, arrows aren't really effective for mining for stuff. Iron Golems and shulker bullets from the necromancer can't do much, but if it is the snow man path, it can slow down and damage underground mobs due to the freezing nature. Sorcerer and Mage towers aren't viable in my opinion, as lightning from Zeus shouldn't be effective on the underground stuff, and the animals from the sorcerer towers have the same reason from necromancer iron golem deal. As I said before with the flame ability, mage towers can't ignite mobs underground due to the lack of air. The last thing is Leech Tower, but as I said, only partly, I dont believe the laser to charge up the tower can lock on, but when it sends the giant laser down the map should do damage against underground mobs. Artillery Towers uses explosives to do damage, which I believe should do damage against the ground troops, as it should "destroy" the ground (it doesn't actually destroy the ground on the map). Quake towers uses earth quakes to apply damage and stun, should be pretty obvious why it should do damage. Ice tower should not only slow down underground mobs, but also applies damage, regardless if it is lvl 4 or not (lvl 4 does damage).

The last thing I want to talk about is potions (AKA pots). Both of the offensive pots (regen and speed) should still work, and half of the defensive pots should work, as the slowness one should be obvious, its the same as Ice Tower, but doesn't apply damage, and lava pots replaces the ground to lava for a bit of time. Meteor pots should slightly work, with reduced damage but not completely immune, and for Zeus pots just doesn't work because lightning stops when it hits ground.

That should be all, sorry for the wall of text, but this should give my complete opinion on underground mobs. Just a thought though, of course feel free to provide your opinion about what I said, if you agree or not, and if you dont, I would love to hear why (if you aren't rude about it)
i like this but i would say to keep things balanced make certain towers (artillery and quake) do massive damage to underground mobs because that would make sense and would also make the towers more useful and underground troops less overpowered

Snivy Films

Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2016
[Location Unknown]
Tower Def players are so passionate 😭

But cubecraft 🧐🧐🧐

Very accurate

i like this but i would say to keep things balanced make certain towers (artillery and quake) do massive damage to underground mobs because that would make sense and would also make the towers more useful and underground troops less overpowered

Yeah I was thinking that as well, I forgot to put that in when I made my original post last night (my time), it is very accurate that Quake and Artillery towers should do extra damage to underground troops
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Snivy Films

Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2016
[Location Unknown]
With 1.16 being out now, If anyone is playing on 1.16 in Tower Defense, and if ANYONE sends a pigman, all 1.16 players gets kicked, if I had to assume why, the old Pigman models are gone with 1.16. Pretty game breaking if you asked me


Forum Professional
Jul 2, 2015
With 1.16 being out now, If anyone is playing on 1.16 in Tower Defense, and if ANYONE sends a pigman, all 1.16 players gets kicked, if I had to assume why, the old Pigman models are gone with 1.16. Pretty game breaking if you asked me
Someone reported it as a bug but I haven’t had any time to check anything CCG related last week. I’ll forward the issue somewhere today though!


Dedicated Member
Aug 23, 2016
The Shattered Plains
It's about time that Tower Defence started to get an update.

So... any word on this? Is a Tower Defense update still on the table?

For this next Tower Defence update, our aim is for re-balancing towers, mobs and adding Quality of Life to the game.

If you look at the subforum for this gamemode it's nothing but people asking for the same QoL updates that the game desperatly needs.

I'm asking because I just saw that the team is asking players what they want for the next PvP update. Are there multiple teams/people working on different projects? Or is this gamemode no longer getting its much needed update?
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Snivy Films

Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2016
[Location Unknown]
I'm going to bounce off of what Sprout just said, PvP is getting a lot of attention as of late, with this page https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/pvp-suggestions-we-need-your-help.250079/ and this page https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/official-give-us-your-ffa-map-suggestions.233114/

At the same time as this thread was made a Skywars suggestion page was also made https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/give-us-your-skywars-suggestions.216386/, and there has been minor updates (I can't remember if there was a big update for it, nor I wanting to look for it if there is). Skywars gets consistent map updates, with new maps being put in and buggy/unfun maps getting removed.

Tower Defense, a game that my friends and I played a lot of on Cubecraft, with a good strategy, has became stale for us, the meta for us is pretty much either a stalemate button or a win button (depending on who we play against). I also remember telling my friends about this forum post, and they were all excited for a new Tower Defense update. I am not too sure on what they think now, only having 1 Map added since this post being made, but I can safely say that unless this update is wicked big, I'll be disappointed because we haven't gotten anything regarding news about this gamemode, and that the initial "hey Tower Defense is going to be updated" mentality has worn off. More and more people are asking for an update with suggestions, either on here or on their own posts
It's about time that Tower Defence started to get an update. As most of you may know, Tower Defence does not need a lot of content added to make an update great.
Yes Camezonda, we do know, and there is nearly 10 pages on this forum post alone of comments, giving you guys suggestions, but at least in my opinion, as I said earlier, you have built up a lot of hype, that even if you can put out an update to this game, the lack of communication, and the fact that some people who commented on this post way back in February of 2019 are Staff Members now, is pretty much guaranteed to disappoint myself. I really dont want to see a lack luster update, with minimum changes, and say "Nearly a Year and a Half for like 3 changes." Even if you have like 2 people working on this game at any given time, just say something like "This is some of the stuff we have done, and this is on the roadmap."

If you look at the subforum for this gamemode it's nothing but people asking for the same QoL updates that the game desperatly needs.

I'm asking because I just saw that the team is asking players what they want for the next PvP update. Are there multiple teams/people working on different projects? Or is this gamemode no longer getting its much needed update?

Sprout, you are completely correct here, nothing has been going on for the last good while regarding this game, people are asking for Quality of Life improvements in this sub forum. I really dont want to say it but I feel like this post was to build hype, and nothing has been actually been going on behind the scenes regarding this game.

If this game gets pulled from Cubecraft, due to dwindling player numbers, this is why, It is Cubecraft's own fault for neglecting this game, people want to play something fresh, so they leave the gamemode and play other games (either on Cubecraft or elsewhere, doesn't even need to be Minecraft), and the game gets pulled, and then you are going to have another Blockwars situation where plenty of people played it, and will be demanding to be back. Case in Point, this game is being neglected, and if that doesn't change, the amount of hype you built for this game nearly a Year and a Half ago will be hard to satisfy at least myself. Please don't pull a Team Fortress 2 Team type attitude with regarding this game mode, not telling us anything (The TF2 Team is known for being very silent regarding updates to their game).

Please, Just tell us that this game is at the very least, being worked on, or if not, say that as well, and state a reason, most of us is understanding if there is a rock solid reason of the game not being worked on, but radio silence on something that the head honcho of Cubecraft said nearly a Year and a half ago, that doesn't look real too good
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Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2017
The Netherlands
i really love TD in general, but there are some things that should be changed maybe.

team balance
i think a lot of people agree on teams being unbalanced too easily, people really want the biggest team for some reason. i feel like there should be something to prevent people from changing teams, just to get more in theirs.

experienced and noobs
a lot of people have this problem, noobs ruining for the experienced players, and the other way around.
too many people dont know how to play the game and misplace everything, its impossible to keep reporting and would overflow staff too in the end. maybe its an idea to make two gamemodes, but you got to unlock the other.
after a X amount of games won, and maybe a special point system for it, you can unlock the experienced mode to get better players.
can experienced players join noob? yes, but they should get less points for example.

do something about misplacing
literally every decent player hates it, their OCD starts crying because of this, and mine tells to stop playing TD.
i think 3x3 towers, should only be placed on 3x3 spots, and the same goes for 5x5! this would motivate people to come back to the game, cuz too many leave at this point

anti rush
this is something that also relates to team balance in some way. there are too many ranks voting for quick start, to rush. but if they fail, they just leave the game and make it a 6v2 for example! what i think should be changed about this?
both double income and quick start makes rushing easier, so i'd say make the cooldown on sending mobs longer, depending on the income. or maybe give people time to actually build defence, for like a minute or two.

add new towers and enemies
the game has been going without updates for too long, and is losing a lot of players because of this. i think adding new towers and enemies would make the game much more interesting for new and old players. many people have suggested awesome ideas, so why not go trough some and try working stuff out?

honestly, this suggestion would fit in every gamemode. competitions would make the game interesting and motivate you to play more. maybe add prices so its actually worth trying! the downside that i will admit is that people can use parties to cheat, so maybe make it so you cant join with party? or just limited people and dont allow to change team.

the three armageddons in the game are fun, but boring! well, except horde, horde is insane sometimes!
- lightning is just boring and doesnt change much, but maybe it would be more interesting if it was more "aggressive"
- wither is fun, but it dies way too fast most of the times honestly! i think a stronger wither would add more to the game. maybe make it appear more often if no castle dies?
- horde can make lagg sometimes, but shouldnt be changed too much. its fast, its interesting... a real challenge!

shorter games
im not sure how long a game takes, but too long for sure. i've noticed people losing the motivation to keep going if a game takes too long, even until the armageddon. i'd say make it shorter.
i have to say, Armageddons should be harder in general, but i feel like wither is the most painful when comparing to this! lets say the wither dies in the first corner, there will still be so much time left of... well, nothing basically.

these are my ideas of how to improve the game, im interested to hear your ideas too!
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Jul 17, 2019
I voted "Yes but not through-out the whole game" because overall the mobs do feel balanced with some exceptions:
-Zombies are great for Exp (though leveling them up is basically useless unless you want to win in a hilarious way while competing against new players) *lv 1 balanced, rest useless*
-Spiders are cheap and do work when opponents fail to use mage *balanced*
-Piglins are great for rushing and getting early hits on enemy castle and i feel like there stats are balanced enough for use and are not overpowered *balanced*
-Skeletons are Very Strong but it is possible to counter them though expensive *balanced*
- Silverfish are simply the weaker alternative to blazes. The problem? they are not fire resistant so they are almost as easy to take out as spiders with mage *not balanced*
- Creeper works well with witches but both are absolutely doomed to fail because of a relatively cheap pot from castle bazaar --Inferno AOE-- *not balanced*
- Witch healing can be useful with magmas as it forces other team to spend coins on inferno which don't affect magma cubes *balanced*
-Blazes are fine the way they are but are too overpowered when sped up in my opinion *with this adjustment, balanced*
-Slimes/Magmas are great for late game exp and magmas can be very useful late game (balanced)
- Giants are not worth their cost in Exp or Coins. They are useless by the time you can send them *not balanced*

What to Fix:
--Zombies: they are mostly used at the beginning of the game then forgot about and that is ok but maybe a slight stat increase for the upgrades might make people at least consider upgrading
--Silverfish: they get wiped out by the castle guard at lv 1 before they even come close so i think the cost should be reduced for them and their upgrades. The way I see it silverfish/endermites should be a hit-miss scenario. You either succeed in taking health from the opponents by rushing them with these or regret not spending your exp on blazes. By making them cheaper silverfish/endermites play a similar role to spiders (they are a cheeky way to get a few hits if your opponents don't have mage or air towers in play). Endermites can be sped up by AOE potion and I will get back to this later...
--Creepers: are just not tanky enough and are eliminated easily by inferno. Why would you go for non-fire resistant creepers when you can have fire resisant lv 5 skeles at a lower price? I think the healing should be increased straight from lv 1 but I am not sure if even the better healing would redeem them
--Witch: is by no means overpowered or under powered but it does seem odd that inferno pots kill the witches since these are supposed to be immune to fire and mage towers. However, I personally like the fact that inferno can easily kill them though it doesn't make much sense because it prevents them from being overpowered. Just something to note
--Blazes: are a bit ridiculous with speed AOE. They should not speed up at all with the use of the AOE in my opinion. Who knows this might give endermites a second thought
--Giants are way to easy to take down for their cost. Maybe when maxed out they could split into two random lv 5 upgrades when they die to spice things up? This can be useful as a kind of last hope troop when both teams defenses are just too strong to penetrate (which happens often really late game). If your lucky maybe your lv 5 giants will split into lv 5 magmas after death leading to a successful push, or maybe they will split into two level 5 cave spiders close to the castle to get some cheeky hits

Towers seem more or less balanced to me:
-Archer Tower: is great for the explosive arrow bottom path and top path is cheap but useful enough which is what the tower is described as anyways *balanced*
-Ice Tower: useful in almost every situation and cheap but not too strong *balanced*
-Mage Tower: Great at what it does but many mobs are fire resistant *balanced*
-Poison Tower: Great to place at the front with top path upgrade and ok to place one more late in the map bottom path upgrade' expensive but does its job *balanced*
- Sorcerer Tower: not the greatest tower and it is expensive but is useful when fighting the wither. Kamikaze path is cheaper but not worth it *one path balanced /the other not so much*
-Quake Tower: great alternative to the ice tower and you can't spam them *balanced*
-Zeus Tower: both path 1 and 2 are useful in different situations *balanced*
- Artillery Tower: great at what it does both top and bottom path *balanced*
-Turret Tower: top path is good but it deserves a damage increase since it takes up a lot of room and top path is incredibly expensive, bottom path seems like a ripoff when you can be using that space for explosive archer towers
*one path balanced/the other not*
-Leach Tower: Isn't the greatest tower to go for due to its cost but why not go for one when your rich? *somewhat balanced*
- Necromancer Tower: Top path can be useful but bottom path seems like a joke because the two paths are almost the same price *not balanced*

What to Fix:
-- Sorcerer Tower: Overall damage increase by the mobs summoned, Kamikaze path price reduction
--Turret Tower: Slight damage increase and price reduction of bottom path
--Leach Tower:There is a thread that Tyruntred5 posted about that gives leach a good use. It involves adding a new mob that leach is super effective on. The thread is in the tower defense idea catagory, go check it out!
--Necromancer Tower: Another issue discussed in Tyruntred5's thread. Top path shulkers can prevent a new mob from teleporting when hit. This new mob is the endermen. Bottom path can be useful if the snow golems do extra damage to blazes but otherwise remain the same.
(In this way either blazes are not affected by speed pots or snow golems do extra damage to blazes).One of these is a necessary change in my opinion

Thanks for reading this and have a good day :)


Jul 27, 2020
The Netherlands
I chose (Yes but not through-out the whole game (Explain)) because I think the game itself is pretty good balanced but there are some missing features that definitely need to come to make the game more enjoyable.

First of all please add vote remove for the towers.
I think this is a better option than vote kick because otherwise maybe some new players who made a mistake will be kicked because of that.
Vote remove will work like this: it is just like removing your own tower but half of the team needs to click "remove" before the tower will actually be removed. The refunded money will of course be given to the player who placed the tower.

Second, a good tutorial may be something to think about.
When I began playing Tower Defence I had no idea how it worked and that made me like the game less. If I wouldn't have had a friend who knew how it worked I probably wouldn't play it right now. It is also very frustrating for experienced players when a new player is in their team because most of the times they don't know what they're doing. I know a good tutorial is very hard to make but atleast give it a try, it may be worth it.


Aug 6, 2020
I believe that it is balanced, unless you have a new teammate. They tend to cripple your team to a loss because they place towers wrong. Whilst that is true for most games it can easily be corrected in tower defense. With no votekick anymore (which does make sense) I propose a new form, but only for 1 tower at a time. When you place your own tower you have the option to remove it. I believe that it would be very helpful if you had the option to vote a tower off the square. I don't know how it would work, but being able to enter the tower and call a vote for it to be removed would be nice. One other thing is if the person doesn't own a path for the tower put that up to a vote as well.

Deleted member 491790

I think the game is balanced, however trollers are a big problem. I will suggest 3 ways other than votekick to get around this problem.
1. Let ranked players /report the player for trolling.
Pretty self explanatory. I would like to see an option for staff to give the player the appropriate punishment, and perhaps kick them from the game.
2. Force towers to snap onto the nearest 3x3 or 5x5 grid.
I would like to see a feature that makes it so you must place towers on the grid, and they cannot be placed on more than one designated 3x3 area. I would also like to see 5x5 towers only being place-able on 5x5 grids and vise versa with 3x3 towers.
3. Players are forced to choose a path when placing a tower.
Credit to another user for suggesting this before me, but I think players should be forced to choose a path when placing a tower. This would make it so other people can still upgrade the towers, despite the troller owning it.

These are some simple solutions to stop the troller problem (which I have seen is an increasingly big problem), and the latter two suggestions could also be helpful when playing with new players, or players speaking a different language.


Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2017
The Netherlands
i really love TD in general, but there are some things that should be changed maybe.

team balance
i think a lot of people agree on teams being unbalanced too easily, people really want the biggest team for some reason. i feel like there should be something to prevent people from changing teams, just to get more in theirs.

experienced and noobs
a lot of people have this problem, noobs ruining for the experienced players, and the other way around.
too many people dont know how to play the game and misplace everything, its impossible to keep reporting and would overflow staff too in the end. maybe its an idea to make two gamemodes, but you got to unlock the other.
after a X amount of games won, and maybe a special point system for it, you can unlock the experienced mode to get better players.
can experienced players join noob? yes, but they should get less points for example.

do something about misplacing
literally every decent player hates it, their OCD starts crying because of this, and mine tells to stop playing TD.
i think 3x3 towers, should only be placed on 3x3 spots, and the same goes for 5x5! this would motivate people to come back to the game, cuz too many leave at this point

anti rush
this is something that also relates to team balance in some way. there are too many ranks voting for quick start, to rush. but if they fail, they just leave the game and make it a 6v2 for example! what i think should be changed about this?
both double income and quick start makes rushing easier, so i'd say make the cooldown on sending mobs longer, depending on the income. or maybe give people time to actually build defence, for like a minute or two.

add new towers and enemies
the game has been going without updates for too long, and is losing a lot of players because of this. i think adding new towers and enemies would make the game much more interesting for new and old players. many people have suggested awesome ideas, so why not go trough some and try working stuff out?

honestly, this suggestion would fit in every gamemode. competitions would make the game interesting and motivate you to play more. maybe add prices so its actually worth trying! the downside that i will admit is that people can use parties to cheat, so maybe make it so you cant join with party? or just limited people and dont allow to change team.

the three armageddons in the game are fun, but boring! well, except horde, horde is insane sometimes!
- lightning is just boring and doesnt change much, but maybe it would be more interesting if it was more "aggressive"
- wither is fun, but it dies way too fast most of the times honestly! i think a stronger wither would add more to the game. maybe make it appear more often if no castle dies?
- horde can make lagg sometimes, but shouldnt be changed too much. its fast, its interesting... a real challenge!

shorter games
im not sure how long a game takes, but too long for sure. i've noticed people losing the motivation to keep going if a game takes too long, even until the armageddon. i'd say make it shorter.
i have to say, Armageddons should be harder in general, but i feel like wither is the most painful when comparing to this! lets say the wither dies in the first corner, there will still be so much time left of... well, nothing basically.

these are my ideas of how to improve the game, im interested to hear your ideas too!
i have a little thing to add to the anti rush. specifically in Normal income, its hard to defend at times since you barely get any money. lets say the enemy throws all their money on one person, who becomes the strongest one for attacking, how are you supposed to survive that? especially with a team with randoms, less people, noobs... its quite hard and sometimes impossible. there should be more balance in this, for example the ammount of mobs you can send per wave Early game.


Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2017
The Netherlands
I think the game is balanced, however trollers are a big problem. I will suggest 3 ways other than votekick to get around this problem.
1. Let ranked players /report the player for trolling.
Pretty self explanatory. I would like to see an option for staff to give the player the appropriate punishment, and perhaps kick them from the game.
2. Force towers to snap onto the nearest 3x3 or 5x5 grid.
I would like to see a feature that makes it so you must place towers on the grid, and they cannot be placed on more than one designated 3x3 area. I would also like to see 5x5 towers only being place-able on 5x5 grids and vise versa with 3x3 towers.
3. Players are forced to choose a path when placing a tower.
Credit to another user for suggesting this before me, but I think players should be forced to choose a path when placing a tower. This would make it so other people can still upgrade the towers, despite the troller owning it.

These are some simple solutions to stop the troller problem (which I have seen is an increasingly big problem), and the latter two suggestions could also be helpful when playing with new players, or players speaking a different language.
why i dont like these ideas:
1. ranked players can still abuse this command, and you cant prove someone is trolling or not with it.
2. this might cause problems with people their strategy and maybe even cause glitches to happen.
3. i think this is an interesting idea, but it needs to be worked out more. what about people who havent unlocked it yet? since it kinda ruins the idea of the shop when playing with experienced players who do have everything. lets say a friend of mine has nothing, but chooses the path, i could still max upgrade every game and he would never have to unlock stuff.

Deleted member 491790

Will any of these actually be added? Because it's been over a year now o.O

Deleted member 491790

why i dont like these ideas:
1. ranked players can still abuse this command, and you cant prove someone is trolling or not with it.
2. this might cause problems with people their strategy and maybe even cause glitches to happen.
3. i think this is an interesting idea, but it needs to be worked out more. what about people who havent unlocked it yet? since it kinda ruins the idea of the shop when playing with experienced players who do have everything. lets say a friend of mine has nothing, but chooses the path, i could still max upgrade every game and he would never have to unlock stuff.
I have issue with all of these statements.
1. Ranked players are to be trusted. Why would a ranked player pay money if just to abuse it and get it removed, or even be banned? It would be rare if not never seen for a ranked player to abuse, even more so considering they aren't just little kids, as they would likely not have parental permission. Also it is pretty obvious when they are trolling
2. Why would anyone have a strategy to waste tiles by placing towers on multiple squares? In my opinion any person trying to do this is trolling, as it benefits nobody. And as for glitches, I doubt there will be any, even if there are, they will be bugtested to a maximum, and then after it is released to the public, people will be quick to report any bugs.
3. I somewhat agree with your explanation, however I feel like what you are describing is teamwork, and that is what tower defence is about. It could make for more interesting strategies for those who don't have too many points when they got into tower defence, and anyway most people will get it pretty quickly as people want things for themselves.
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