Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net

Do you think that Tower Defence is balanced?

  • Yes completely

  • Yes but not through-out the whole game (Explain)

  • Sometimes (Explain)

  • 100% no! (Please explain your reasons)

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Feb 9, 2020
i have a couple of ideas, mainly to fix the issues surrounding aggrovating teammates, and tower balance.

1) i personally think there should be 1v1 / 2v2 / custom modes, so you can queue up with friends, or play against them in a 1v1, a lot of players would rather this than have a lot of people who always place towers that really annoy them (im not saying those people are right or wrong, it would just help settle the community who can be quite hot headed about this.)

2) tower balance. there are a lot of towers that i feel are far too overpowered, and some that are borderline useless.

A) the archer tower.
the explosive archer tower is insanely good, and counters all but 1 singular mob in the game. the quick shooting archer reduces the damage to about 7 (explosive does 30 in AOE), but shoots quicker. personally i find this really annoying, not only because of the balancing problem, but when people quick fire, i see it as nothing but a waste of a spot that could be used for an explosive archer.
my suggestion for the archer tower is to completely rework the upgrades. here are my plans: explosive tower --> sniper tower. the sniper tower has vastly increased range, and does a lot of damage, but is quite slow shooting. it would be: 1st for the sniper: does high damage with extremely slow fire rate. 2nd for the sniper: does high damage with increased range and extremely slow fire rate. 3rd upgrade: does high damage with increased range and mediocre fire rate.
quick shooter tower --> machine gun tower. the machine gun tower is pretty much the same as the quick shooter, but instead of shooting several arrows, it shoots a lot faster.
1st upgrade: double fire rate. 2nd upgrade: shots pierce through 1 enemy. 3rd upgrade: double fire rate (compounding)

B) the leech tower.
this is by far, without a doubt, the worst tower in the game. it costs 3000 coins, is a 5x5, can only be placed once, has a long charge up time, and not only that, but when it does fire, it only does around 30 damage to each unit. the upgrades to it are basically just a neutered version of the area damage poison tower upgrade, and dont help it at all. i feel that for the cost, it simply isnt worth it. a necromancer tower does its job but infinitely better. the shulker necro hits targets from a long range very quickly with an explosive AOE for 30 dmg. the leech takes about 2-3 minutes to charge up an attack that does 30 damage to all units.
not only is it barely viable, it causes huge lag lobby-wide from the actual VFX from the attack. not that the visuals are bad, because theyre actually really well-done, but id rather keep a steady 144 fps that look at cool blue fire with 10 fps.
i think a good change to it would be to make it cost 5000, have no upgrades (refund the points of people who bought the leech upgrade), take 1 minute to charge, have the attack condition of at least 16 enemies on the track to fire, but instead of doing 30 damage, it does a flat 30% of the target's maximum hp, increasing by 10% for each 10 enemies above the initial 16 on the track (if there are 36 enemies, the tower will do 50% of the targets max health)
to the VFX, i think you could replace the blue fire tower with a redstone pulse particle, or lava drip particle, that on launch of the tower's attack, spawns above the tower and above the head of all targets. this would reduce the lag, and also make sense, as the red particles fit the theme of leeching off of the enemy.
the targeting would stay the same, affecting all enemies on the track, making the cost worth it.
these changes would help counter the slime / blaze rush meta, and make people think more tactically with mob compositions.

C) the necromancer tower.
the necromancer tower is quite literally a 5x5 equivalent of the archer tower. the shulker upgrade is insanely good, as previously mentioned in the leech tower segment, whereas the snowman tower is... just.... the snowman tower. when i say this, i mean it without irony or exaggeration. i have NEVER seen a snowman tower. not a single person in any of my games has ever used it. whether it's okay or not, its clearly far inferior to the shulker tower.
my best idea would be that the necromancer tower become a CC heavy tower, becoming the first disruption based 5x5 tower, leaving space for the turret tower to become viable (more on that later), heres my thoughts.
shulker tower: hits now do 5% of targets max hp, and cause levitation on them for 2 seconds. (this might be a bit glitchy, but with some work im sure it'd make a good addition.). snowman tower: fires snowballs which hits now do 5% of targets max hp, and cause slow, stackable up to 3 times on one target. slow at base lasts for 5 seconds and is reset each time a stack is applied. each stack of slow decreases movement speed by 25%. if target has been frozen by an ice tower in the last 10 seconds, slow lasts 10 seconds longer,

D) the turret tower.
every time a turret tower is placed in my game, i instantly lose my smile. its worse than the necro tower in every way, and just puts a sour taste in my mouth knowing that we have a lower chance of winning now that a turret is on our defense rather than a necromancer. with the changes i mentioned for the necro tower, i feel the turret would become a viable contender for a DPS-heavy 5x5 tower, and players would have to think about 5x5 management instead of the usual shulker spam. i believe turret needs no changes in itself, but it could benefit from other towers being changed.

E) The mage tower / Spider interaction.
the mage tower is just too necessary. its the only thing stopping spiders from completely ending your game, and is frustrating in its own right as well. the very start of the game is whoever rushes to get the very first mage tower down, as they receive the most income from the starting waves. not only this, but the range of it is unknown. if there is a rework to fix these issues, it should focus on the issues of: utter necessity in 100% of games, being fought over at the start, ambiguous range on the tower that needs to know range the most.
so, the change i propose would be a two-part: 1st, a change to spiders. they should no longer be invisible, but at level 4 and 5, move x1.5 and x1.75 faster.
2nd, a change to the mage tower itself. instead of setting enemies on fire at intervals, it could lay fire on the ground, similar to the landmines set by artillery towers, but when enemies step on them, they are set alight, and the fire lasts 3 seconds longer than the old mage. (level 4 upgrade stays the same)

E.5) The Poison tower
this isnt really a full point, just a note that the 'hurts enemies near the tower' path for poison needs a range buff, its nowhere near as useful as the permanent poison.

F) The Zeus tower.
its just underwhelming. it costs too much for what it actually does, and can be outdone by the majority of its contenders. the bouncing upgrades are worse than the explosive archers, it should either do more damage, or bounce to 8 enemies instead of 5. for the baby zeus, i find its just a sorcerer tower that hits ariel targets too. this isnt useful at all though, as sorcerers and archers are what you'll usually be putting down, and they fully outdo a row of baby zeuses. i propose this path be completely replaced, with a slow fire rate lightning strick attack that hits the middle of the path on the x or y axis of the midpoint of the tower. (hard to explain, basically, just smacks the path where the tower is) this would take about 10 seconds to recharge, and do 100 damage, and ignite enemies it hits. it will also do this effect in an AOE circle with a 2 block radius.

after writing this, i now realise the leech tower is actually spelt 'leach' tower, so... uh... oops? im stupid

that is all for the tower ideas, i think the others are perfectly fine. mobwise, i dont have any issues other than the spider changes i mentioned.

though of course, these are just ideas subject to change, and i would be honored to have any of them implemented.

apologies if these have been previously addressed, but i feel this gamemode has tons of potential, and shouldn't be overshadowed by something like balance or a potentially toxic community.

thanks for reading and best regards, Prob.

(edit: i now realise, my idea to change the leach tower doesn't actually make much sense to the name 'leach'. no aspect of it leaches off the mobs, only the amount of them. this would probably end up as a new tower altogether, most likely under the name 'pulse tower' or that likeness. if you've played clash of clans / clash royale before, you'll be familiar with the concept ill give, but maybe the leach tower should be similar to the inferno tower. for reference, it locks on to the closest enemy, and the longer it is locked on, the more damage it does. it exists in 3 phases of damage, i think its 90dps, 180dps, 2100 dps, with 2 seconds lock time to ramp up. this would need to be changed around to work with TD, but i feel it could make sense under the name 'leach' tower, because it would actually leach off of the enemies. thanks again) :)
Last edited:
Feb 9, 2020
since you asked for an explanation of the vote, here: i voted sometimes. this is entirely based on the teams. you could be put on a team with 5 people who have never played before and have 0 upgrades, placing tier one archers on 5x5s and sending zombies at the end of the game, and put against 6 people with every single upgrade, in a voice call, communicating rushes perfectly, and being as cost efficient as humanly possible. this doesnt refer to overall unit balance however, as a sometimes wouldnt make sense in that case imo.


Well-Known Member

Hey everyone!

It's about time that Tower Defence started to get an update. As most of you may know, Tower Defence does not need a lot of content added to make an update great. For this next Tower Defence update, our aim is for re-balancing towers, mobs and adding Quality of Life to the game. If you have suggestions for any of the following topics, reply to the thread:
  • Re-balancing/changing towers.
  • Re-balancing/changing mobs.
  • Quality of life features (Things that make the game easily and nicer to play).
  • Other general improvements.
  • Features which are desperately needed (Things to avoid the game from being ruined).
  • Map layout/design improvements.

So what are you waiting for? Suggest your heart out in the comments below, as we want to read your suggestions. Please note that we might not be able to reply to all of them. Suggestions need to be reasonable, possible and fair for all players of Tower Defence, and must keep the game balanced. Suggestions such as "Make the giant cost 1000 coins", is an example of a bad, unbalanced and unreasonable suggestion. If someone makes a suggestion that you're not in agreement with, reply to them and talk it out, don't argue, this thread is for suggestions and discussions.

If you have voted on the poll on this thread, please don't forget to explain why you voted that option. There's no reason to vote "100% no!" and not explain to us why the game is like that. If you want Tower Defence to be great, communicate your opinions and suggestions with us! :D (If you vote and don't explain, there's a chance your vote won't count).

Thanks for reading! :)
Everyone from the CubeCraft Team.

It would be so cool to see more tower comp's and involve the community. Also makes tutorials mandatory before playing. A small quality of life fix could be making it impossible to misplace towers, and improve the stacking towers within a radius of each other.
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Jul 22, 2019
i have a couple of ideas, mainly to fix the issues surrounding aggrovating teammates, and tower balance.

1) i personally think there should be 1v1 / 2v2 / custom modes, so you can queue up with friends, or play against them in a 1v1, a lot of players would rather this than have a lot of people who always place towers that really annoy them (im not saying those people are right or wrong, it would just help settle the community who can be quite hot headed about this.)

2) tower balance. there are a lot of towers that i feel are far too overpowered, and some that are borderline useless.

A) the archer tower.
the explosive archer tower is insanely good, and counters all but 1 singular mob in the game. the quick shooting archer reduces the damage to about 7 (explosive does 30 in AOE), but shoots quicker. personally i find this really annoying, not only because of the balancing problem, but when people quick fire, i see it as nothing but a waste of a spot that could be used for an explosive archer.
my suggestion for the archer tower is to completely rework the upgrades. here are my plans: explosive tower --> sniper tower. the sniper tower has vastly increased range, and does a lot of damage, but is quite slow shooting. it would be: 1st for the sniper: does high damage with extremely slow fire rate. 2nd for the sniper: does high damage with increased range and extremely slow fire rate. 3rd upgrade: does high damage with increased range and mediocre fire rate.
quick shooter tower --> machine gun tower. the machine gun tower is pretty much the same as the quick shooter, but instead of shooting several arrows, it shoots a lot faster.
1st upgrade: double fire rate. 2nd upgrade: shots pierce through 1 enemy. 3rd upgrade: double fire rate (compounding)

B) the leech tower.
this is by far, without a doubt, the worst tower in the game. it costs 3000 coins, is a 5x5, can only be placed once, has a long charge up time, and not only that, but when it does fire, it only does around 30 damage to each unit. the upgrades to it are basically just a neutered version of the area damage poison tower upgrade, and dont help it at all. i feel that for the cost, it simply isnt worth it. a necromancer tower does its job but infinitely better. the shulker necro hits targets from a long range very quickly with an explosive AOE for 30 dmg. the leech takes about 2-3 minutes to charge up an attack that does 30 damage to all units.
not only is it barely viable, it causes huge lag lobby-wide from the actual VFX from the attack. not that the visuals are bad, because theyre actually really well-done, but id rather keep a steady 144 fps that look at cool blue fire with 10 fps.
i think a good change to it would be to make it cost 5000, have no upgrades (refund the points of people who bought the leech upgrade), take 1 minute to charge, have the attack condition of at least 16 enemies on the track to fire, but instead of doing 30 damage, it does a flat 30% of the target's maximum hp, increasing by 10% for each 10 enemies above the initial 16 on the track (if there are 36 enemies, the tower will do 50% of the targets max health)
to the VFX, i think you could replace the blue fire tower with a redstone pulse particle, or lava drip particle, that on launch of the tower's attack, spawns above the tower and above the head of all targets. this would reduce the lag, and also make sense, as the red particles fit the theme of leeching off of the enemy.
the targeting would stay the same, affecting all enemies on the track, making the cost worth it.
these changes would help counter the slime / blaze rush meta, and make people think more tactically with mob compositions.

C) the necromancer tower.
the necromancer tower is quite literally a 5x5 equivalent of the archer tower. the shulker upgrade is insanely good, as previously mentioned in the leech tower segment, whereas the snowman tower is... just.... the snowman tower. when i say this, i mean it without irony or exaggeration. i have NEVER seen a snowman tower. not a single person in any of my games has ever used it. whether it's okay or not, its clearly far inferior to the shulker tower.
my best idea would be that the necromancer tower become a CC heavy tower, becoming the first disruption based 5x5 tower, leaving space for the turret tower to become viable (more on that later), heres my thoughts.
shulker tower: hits now do 5% of targets max hp, and cause levitation on them for 2 seconds. (this might be a bit glitchy, but with some work im sure it'd make a good addition.). snowman tower: fires snowballs which hits now do 5% of targets max hp, and cause slow, stackable up to 3 times on one target. slow at base lasts for 5 seconds and is reset each time a stack is applied. each stack of slow decreases movement speed by 25%. if target has been frozen by an ice tower in the last 10 seconds, slow lasts 10 seconds longer,

D) the turret tower.
every time a turret tower is placed in my game, i instantly lose my smile. its worse than the necro tower in every way, and just puts a sour taste in my mouth knowing that we have a lower chance of winning now that a turret is on our defense rather than a necromancer. with the changes i mentioned for the necro tower, i feel the turret would become a viable contender for a DPS-heavy 5x5 tower, and players would have to think about 5x5 management instead of the usual shulker spam. i believe turret needs no changes in itself, but it could benefit from other towers being changed.

E) The mage tower / Spider interaction.
the mage tower is just too necessary. its the only thing stopping spiders from completely ending your game, and is frustrating in its own right as well. the very start of the game is whoever rushes to get the very first mage tower down, as they receive the most income from the starting waves. not only this, but the range of it is unknown. if there is a rework to fix these issues, it should focus on the issues of: utter necessity in 100% of games, being fought over at the start, ambiguous range on the tower that needs to know range the most.
so, the change i propose would be a two-part: 1st, a change to spiders. they should no longer be invisible, but at level 4 and 5, move x1.5 and x1.75 faster.
2nd, a change to the mage tower itself. instead of setting enemies on fire at intervals, it could lay fire on the ground, similar to the landmines set by artillery towers, but when enemies step on them, they are set alight, and the fire lasts 3 seconds longer than the old mage. (level 4 upgrade stays the same)

E.5) The Poison tower
this isnt really a full point, just a note that the 'hurts enemies near the tower' path for poison needs a range buff, its nowhere near as useful as the permanent poison.

F) The Zeus tower.
its just underwhelming. it costs too much for what it actually does, and can be outdone by the majority of its contenders. the bouncing upgrades are worse than the explosive archers, it should either do more damage, or bounce to 8 enemies instead of 5. for the baby zeus, i find its just a sorcerer tower that hits ariel targets too. this isnt useful at all though, as sorcerers and archers are what you'll usually be putting down, and they fully outdo a row of baby zeuses. i propose this path be completely replaced, with a slow fire rate lightning strick attack that hits the middle of the path on the x or y axis of the midpoint of the tower. (hard to explain, basically, just smacks the path where the tower is) this would take about 10 seconds to recharge, and do 100 damage, and ignite enemies it hits. it will also do this effect in an AOE circle with a 2 block radius.

after writing this, i now realise the leech tower is actually spelt 'leach' tower, so... uh... oops? im stupid

that is all for the tower ideas, i think the others are perfectly fine. mobwise, i dont have any issues other than the spider changes i mentioned.

though of course, these are just ideas subject to change, and i would be honored to have any of them implemented.

apologies if these have been previously addressed, but i feel this gamemode has tons of potential, and shouldn't be overshadowed by something like balance or a potentially toxic community.

thanks for reading and best regards, Prob.

(edit: i now realise, my idea to change the leach tower doesn't actually make much sense to the name 'leach'. no aspect of it leaches off the mobs, only the amount of them. this would probably end up as a new tower altogether, most likely under the name 'pulse tower' or that likeness. if you've played clash of clans / clash royale before, you'll be familiar with the concept ill give, but maybe the leach tower should be similar to the inferno tower. for reference, it locks on to the closest enemy, and the longer it is locked on, the more damage it does. it exists in 3 phases of damage, i think its 90dps, 180dps, 2100 dps, with 2 seconds lock time to ramp up. this would need to be changed around to work with TD, but i feel it could make sense under the name 'leach' tower, because it would actually leach off of the enemies. thanks again) :)

I have a few opinions about this.
Custom mode - Great. No objection.
Archer tower - The quick shooting tower can increase the fire rate but turret does it jobs so doing this change will have a overlap. Therefore, make it multishot will better, maybe shot 5 arrows at a time. The sniper / machine gun idea is totally copying from other servers(I won't advertise it), I'd rather the archers are not balance instead of copying other's idea.
Leach tower - I think the idea is ok, but I have a better idea. The leach tower will decrease the defence of the troops. Therefore, u can match other towers to deal more damage. As u have told, the tower is probably not a thing of leach, so I think just give some buff would be better.
Necromancer tower - The levitation is great. I think all troops will do at least 20 damage for each shulker bullet(I don't know what the thing call). Ground troops will also deal fall damage. Each time they got a levitation, they will deal 10 damage. However, flying troops won't deal the fall damage. Snowman tower is pretty good too, BUT I have a better idea(This is MY OPINION, remember). Snowman tower can make the flying troops 'heavy' and the flying troops will go down so they will become a ground troop for a while. Therefore, this snowman tower will become an anti-air tower.
Turret tower - Hmm... I think it can change a bit. We may change the bounce arrows to Rage and bounce arrows. It will totally change this tower from attack-oriented to supporting. It will still shoot arrows like bouncing arrows, but at the same time, when it is in shooting mode, the nearby towers will in rage mode and they will shoot faster.
Mage tower / Spiders - I'd rather change the made cuz invisible spiders is much interesting than just making them faster.
Posion tower - The hurt enemies nearby the tower is so dumb(even though I still use it for no reasons) and the path should change to AOE path. The tower can change the AOE u want in the castle bazzar. This tower is more personalized and is much better than just hurt enemies with 'no effects'.
Zeus tower - Not underwhelming, if u don't place them there is chance that u can't kill a giant(although no people send giants nowadays, only new players I think). Zeus probably don't have to change I think.

P.S: I may mispell some words.
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Deleted member 381600

Please make it so that when you go to place a tower on an outside block-

It automatically centers the tower to where it should be, to avoid placement errors.

but fr though this is one of the only gamemodes here I like to play and it's horrible w/o smth like this, if literally ONLY this was in an update i'd be fine w/ only that


Forum Expert
Sep 17, 2017
D) the turret tower.
every time a turret tower is placed in my game, i instantly lose my smile. its worse than the necro tower in every way, and just puts a sour taste in my mouth knowing that we have a lower chance of winning now that a turret is on our defense rather than a necromancer. with the changes i mentioned for the necro tower, i feel the turret would become a viable contender for a DPS-heavy 5x5 tower, and players would have to think about 5x5 management instead of the usual shulker spam. i believe turret needs no changes in itself, but it could benefit from other towers being changed.
i find the turret the most OP tower in game, but it cost like 6000 coins


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Oct 17, 2016
The game is fun, absolutely fun. But it helps that I have everything unlock, all the path and sword and bow abilities. If I play wit my friends [who also has almost all paths], we almost always win just because most players have such a big disadvantage by just not having the paths unlocked. I know this changing is kinda impossible. So I have something else, necromancers towers: shulker path is too OP, I use it all the time because it is just way too overpowered... It’s relatively cheap but does sooo much damage... I would be sad if it were the be nerfed, but it should be nerfed..

~ Fesa

Deleted member 381600

The game is fun, absolutely fun. But it helps that I have everything unlock, all the path and sword and bow abilities. If I play wit my friends [who also has almost all paths], we almost always win just because most players have such a big disadvantage by just not having the paths unlocked. I know this changing is kinda impossible. So I have something else, necromancers towers: shulker path is too OP, I use it all the time because it is just way too overpowered... It’s relatively cheap but does sooo much damage... I would be sad if it were the be nerfed, but it should be nerfed..

~ Fesa

I've found that in some situations, snowmen actually end up better, their snowballs pierce through multiple enemies, and bullets don't take ages to get to their target. Shulker bullets also despawn if the enemy dies by then, soo..


Apr 5, 2018
The current state of the meta is kinda boring. All I see is wither skeleton rushes and explosive arrow archers. Here is my input:

1) Add a mob that is arrow-resistant

-The main reason why explosive arrow archers are dominant is that there is no direct counter to them. The mob that is dominating the meta (wither skeleton) is invincible to Zeus, rendering that tower pretty much useless compared to archers.

2) Buff creepers and silverfish. The only time I see them in a game is when a new player is on the opposite team. They are never primary options because other mobs just offer more value (skeletons + witches, blazes). Perhaps you could make their mechanics unique.

-Creepers: I think an interesting twist is to have this mob arrow-resistant after a certain level. This would force more tower diversity in the game, as archers would not be as dominant. I also think creepers need a health buff.

-Silverfish: I think silverfish should be a mob that punishes the opponent for the lack of air defenses during the beginning of the game. Currently, they are just so weak as mages will kill them pretty much instantly. I think that the silverfish should evolve into endermites at an earlier level (like level 3).
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Feb 23, 2020
Moscow, Russia
Everything is really good! But it seems like this game is abandoned... l'dl really appreciate it if you make 1x1 or 2x2 modes, so we can play without annoying trollers...


Mar 22, 2020
United States
Yes but not through-out the whole game, after playing tower defense for the first time and with a friend the game seemed really easy until the Wither Skeletons riding the zombie horses came. At that point the game seemed near impossible as they hardly took damage but then they themselves did a ton of damage. I think their health and or damage should be decreased.
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Novice Member
Mar 16, 2020
a few things:

1. can you make it so only 5x5 towers can be placed on 5x5 grids, same thing for 3x3s

2. /vote kick command. we have all ran into trollers who ruin the game

3. more towers!!! we need more variety, the same towers are old and boring. Can we either get new towers or more upgrades?

4. another gamemode?? such as a PvE the waves get harder and harder each time. you try to survive the most waves

5. And maybe a new AOE such as a clone AOE, it clones all the troops in the area each clone has 1hp. this could cost 1500 coins, and 500 xp to unlock?

these are my suggestions for the new update.
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Forum Expert
Aug 18, 2019
a few things:

1. can you make it so only 5x5 towers can be placed on 5x5 grids, same thing for 3x3s

2. /vote kick command. we have all ran into trollers who ruin the game

3. more towers!!! we need more variety, the same towers are old and boring. Can we either get new towers or more upgrades?

4. another gamemode?? such as a PvE the waves get harder and harder each time. you try to survive the most waves

5. And maybe a new AOE such as a clone AOE, it clones all the troops in the area each clone has 1hp. this could cost 1500 coins, and 500 xp to unlock?

these are my suggestions for the new update.
1 and 3 seem good, but votekick will bring an easy way to troll people we already have a wave game mode, and Clone AOE is way too over powered.


Pineapplerator - Daily Quotes
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Mar 27, 2017
Swedish noodles
a few things:

1. can you make it so only 5x5 towers can be placed on 5x5 grids, same thing for 3x3s

2. /vote kick command. we have all ran into trollers who ruin the game

3. more towers!!! we need more variety, the same towers are old and boring. Can we either get new towers or more upgrades?

4. another gamemode?? such as a PvE the waves get harder and harder each time. you try to survive the most waves

5. And maybe a new AOE such as a clone AOE, it clones all the troops in the area each clone has 1hp. this could cost 1500 coins, and 500 xp to unlock?

these are my suggestions for the new update.

There’s already different gamemodes and they actually already have ”Survival mode” which is pretty much with waves that gets harder and harder. There’s also this achievement that you get if you survive through all the waves.


Novice Member
Mar 16, 2020
There’s already different gamemodes and they actually already have ”Survival mode” which is pretty much with waves that gets harder and harder. There’s also this achievement that you get if you survive through all the waves.
Yes I know of survival, but what I was thinking was all 12 players on one team


Novice Member
Nov 6, 2016
New Zealand
I could write an entire thesis on what needs to be fixed/refreshed in Tower Defence. It's in the companies best interest to actually start putting in time to tackle the issues that all TD players alike have mentioned countless times for the last 4 or so years. Honestly, I myself am keen to be apart of this effort.

So many players are put off playing due to problems with gameplay etc that have been blatantly ignored by staff and put off for years. Once these problems get fixed, you bet that tower defence will grow even more popular. Tower Defence is a game that you cannot play on any other server. So many other games on CC can be played very similarly elsewhere, but people come specifically to Cube to play TD.

This is a game that could make Cube stand out for having a game that no one has been able to replicate.

We're sick to death of saying it, and honestly the staff must be sick to death of hearing it but: Listen to your customers. Fix what needs fixing and start tackling our game play issues.
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