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Do you think that Tower Defence is balanced?

  • Yes completely

  • Yes but not through-out the whole game (Explain)

  • Sometimes (Explain)

  • 100% no! (Please explain your reasons)

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Snivy Films

Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2016
[Location Unknown]
After playing the new map, although it may seem physically long, I would say it is a good length, with maybe a touch too many 5x5 spots and a bugged 3x3 spot which doesn't work for placing any towers (ill make a report when possible).
The new map, isn't that bad, I like it a decent amount


Oct 19, 2017
This will probably get drowned out from the number of posts. However, it's things that can be easily added.
  • Remove "Lightning Mode" and "Survival Mode" because no one plays that, lets be honest.
  • Add a new boss mode similar to wither; however, flying type (Ender Dragon, Elder Guardian)
  • Add 2v2 or 4v4 party mode
  • Add co-op mode: no teams, but has a limit of 4 players
    • Each player defends their own lane. (4 lanes)
      • This teaches newer players how to play and which towers are good for certain mobs.
    • auto-generated mobs starting from easy-difficult (regular zombies, spiders, invis spiders, skeletons, pigmen, creepers, witches, blazes, magma, giant, etc)
    • players can still send mobs to themselves, however, it would be auto-genereated to all mob spawners
      • Armageddon mode: fight against horde
      • Map design: (from The Chunk)
      • rsz_12image0.png

      • Reference:

Snivy Films

Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2016
[Location Unknown]
Remove "Lightning Mode" and "Survival Mode" because no one plays that, lets be honest.
I used to do Lightning Mode all the time, but since it is random, and that towers are equally destroyed on both sides (Say a Leach Tower gets destroyed on 1 side, an Archer Tower would get destroyed on the other), very inconstant, Horde is much better.
Add 2v2 or 4v4 party mode
PLEASE. All the time I just want to have a game with 3 of my friends, and you know, I don't really like leaving myself or my party at the wheel of randoms joining, with the idea set of "Rank = Skill" (Seriously everyone that I play Tower Defense with as a party, with the exception of 1, are all ranked players, its really common, and its very annoying)

Add co-op mode: no teams, but has a limit of 4 players
  • Each player defends their own lane. (4 lanes)
    • This teaches newer players how to play and which towers are good for certain mobs.
  • auto-generated mobs starting from easy-difficult (regular zombies, spiders, invis spiders, skeletons, pigmen, creepers, witches, blazes, magma, giant, etc)
  • players can still send mobs to themselves, however, it would be auto-genereated to all mob spawners
    • Armageddon mode: fight against horde
    • Map design: (from The Chunk)
    • rsz_12image0.png
Yeah I like this idea, and having 2 teams of four, for this, or just a training mode of 4 is really nice actually, I do like this idea a lot, having 2 sides of this, 4V4 would be nice
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Oct 19, 2017
I used to do Lightning Mode all the time, but since it is random, and that towers are equally destroyed on both sides (Say a Leach Tower gets destroyed on 1 side, an Archer Tower would get destroyed on the other), very inconstant, Horde is much better.

PLEASE. All the time I just want to have a game with 3 of my friends, and you know, I don't really like leaving myself or my party at the wheel of randoms joining, with the idea set of "Rank = Skill" (Seriously everyone that I play Tower Defense with as a party, with the exception of 1, are all ranked players, its really common, and its very annoying)

Yeah I like this idea, and having 2 teams of four, for this, or just a training mode of 4 is really nice actually, I do like this idea a lot, having 2 sides of this, 4V4 would be nice

I said this in the other thread but wanted to add on.

As for the Co-Op mode, I should've explained it better. Co-Op mode means that there is no team vs team. It's a mode where 4 players "cooperate" or work together to fight against auto-generated mobs AND mobs that they personally send themselves. The goal is to basically learn how to play (how to place and space towers since you have limited space).
I think the developers didn't like having stale-mate type of games such as Co-Op. They wanted competitive games where players are playing against other players. However, Co-Op is more productive than lightning and survival mode because newer players learn what towers are good for and how to play efficiently.

Lightning mode discourages players from building, since building defense is a waste of time. Survival mode is abused by whoever sends blazes very early and mainly by ranked players who party to get fast wins. Both of these modes are brain dead "just rush" tactic. Co-Op still is competitive because you have to defend your castle through Horde. Plus, the map is small, so it forces players to think strategically about how to build efficiently. I am kind of upset that when TD was transferred from The Chunk, and Cubecraft never gave Co-Op a chance. This game is called Tower Defense for a reason; not Tower Attack. The game-modes that we currently have encourage to have one team winning because people find that fun. However, Co-Op can still be just as fun since you have limited space and lots of automated mobs that increasingly get more difficult to defend against.
Last edited:


Jan 6, 2020
Is there any way that there could be a mode 3v3 or anything like this? Im sorry that i have to tell it in that way but there might be some idiots who just dont understand this game and thats killing this game.


Jan 29, 2020
I would like more complexity, and more dynamic gameplay, but this is unfortunately difficult to do in the framework of minecraft.


Dedicated Member
Aug 23, 2016
The Shattered Plains
Is there any way that there could be a mode 3v3 or anything like this? Im sorry that i have to tell it in that way but there might be some idiots who just dont understand this game and thats killing this game.

I would rather see smaller maps with 4 (or even more) players competing against each other (1 v 1 v 1 v 1).

Snivy Films

Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2016
[Location Unknown]
I would like more complexity, and more dynamic gameplay, but this is unfortunately difficult to do in the framework of minecraft.
I would rather see smaller maps with 4 (or even more) players competing against each other (1 v 1 v 1 v 1).
Both I'm all for, Im more of an advocate for 4v4 because it isn't easy to muster a group of 5 other friends that all know what to do, in voice chat so we can coordinate stuff isn't easy, another thing is that with a 1v1v1v1 sounds like an interesting idea, it is kind of like what @pNamali said with a co-op mode, Its a good idea overall.

I know this was suggested before, we could use a training ground/sandbox mode to mess around, and to learn the actual game (like a mini tutorial) or to mess around with random stuff (like Giants VS only Turret Towers)
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Jul 22, 2019
Personally speaking, I feel like Tower Defense could use a lot of adjustments.
For starters,
Wither skeleton rushing is way too dominant of a strategy and majority of players have no idea how to defend this. I think skeletons need a price and experience buff. To send 12 level 4 skeletons, I feel like the pricing should be closer to 4000 than the current 2400, but I believe they should also provide more experience upon dying. Currently, defending 12 level 4 skeletons takes way more than 2400 coins to defend. Due to this, that is what leads me to believe a price adjustment should be made.

Archer Towers are currently extremely dominant when it comes to any defense. If you look at any base, it gets to a point that it is 70%+ archer towers, with a few mixed in ices, mages, quakes, and maybe sorcerers/zeuses. Although I believe it is okay to have one dominant tower, I don't believe in having one tower that is extremely viable versus any troop sent. Sorcerer towers are amazing versus ground troops, Zeus's are amazing versus anything, but it is single-target, and this makes it balanced. But then you get to archer towers and they stop everything *except invis spiders*. I personally find that wrong and it turns late-game defense into who can get more archer towers down quicker.

Creepers are useless. I'm not too sure what could be done to even make them slightly useful, but currently if you send any level creeper, they will just be lava potted. They have nothing special to their name and are not used unless you are facing a new player who doesn't realize how bad they are. Personally, I was thinking of maybe they could have the ability to attack towers, similarly to wither, but instead of destroying the tower, potentially stunning it. Unsure of how this idea would go, but I would be happy to just see creepers used in general. They need a major buff.

Silverfish are not a viable troop whatsoever. They are decent if you are facing new players, but that's about it. If you place down like 3 mage towers, you'll stomp them no problem. I think one way to make silverfish better is if endermites would be made fire resistant, therefore making them mini-blazes more or less.

Necromancer Tower is a great tower, if you go top path. Currently the bottom path is very under-used and could use adjustments. I personally love seeing new strategies and seeing unique ways of defending. Whenever I look at a base and see everyone placing the same towers, it takes away from the uniqueness of someone's gameplay, and currently, top path is the only one used. I feel like bottom path could become a lot more used if it had a special feature, for instance the snow placed by the snowmen acting as a slowness potion.

Witches are fine as is, but I thought it would be kind of cool if they could have the ability to use potions, just like in vanilla. For instance, if a witch is getting low, they could have the ability to drink instant health, or drink fire resistance upon taking fire damage. I feel like the fire resistance would make them a tad overpowered so it probably isn't a good idea though. Just a thought I figured I would bring up though.

Horde is a fun mode, but one of the nice things about, for instance wither, is being able to send a push with the wither and defend it. In Horde, I feel like you are incapable of using it to your advantage as once you send like 24 magma cubes, you hit an entity cap and it stops sending troops until your troops die. Currently, I feel like horde mode just feeds both teams money, and is not really a 'challenge' to defend. I think it would be interesting if there was a higher entity cap for it to be able to provide more for when a team wants to begin pushing the enemy.

Poison Tower is a nice tower, but you really only need one for the entire map. One poison tower top path is enough to last you all game, as it has a permanent effect. To add some variety to gameplay, I feel like a stronger option for bottom path, like longer duration, or a special effect could make it a viable option.

Giant Zombies are quite the laughing stock. Beating an enemy with Giants is a pretty embarrassing way to lose. Giants are extremely under-powered and are in desperate need of a buff. I'm not too sure what buff would be ideal, as I don't know how easy it would be to make it be too strong. But in the current way the game is, a few lava pots is all you need to knock out 12 level 1 giants. Yes, you ideally want to upgrade your troops, level 5 giants are not much better. If you have a maxed out defense, giants are more than likely never going to get close to the end.

Artillery Towers are nice all around, but I feel like bottom path could use a slight buff, especially early game. Currently, the tnt put on the field by bottom path is incapable of being set off by skeletons. This makes bottom path extremely useless early game, especially when being wither skele rushed. I feel like at least adding skeletons as a trigger for the tnt mines would make it a decent option.

Thanks for taking the time to read my comments. :)

This sounds pretty good. This inspires me and I am here to make a few suggestions:
1. Make the towers have health so that archer towers won't be so strong.
2. Mobs can attack the tower while walking to the castle so that the tower health will reduce.
3. Players will be able to buy an item(I can't think that item name yet) which can recover tower's health
4. Once the tower's health is 0, it will be destoryed. It will no longer be able to deal damage to mobs but it still remains its ruin so players can't build towers on top.
5. Players can spend money to remove the ruins, and be able to build towers on that spot again.
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