@ssunsett! Awesome thread, and it's great reading the origins of people's usernames - some tell a story, and some are just random words and numbers, like my old usernames
My first username was Younis_23_12_ - I played a lot of Minecraft survival with my brother sharing this account, 23 was his lucky number, 12 is mine, shove some underscores and my surname, and we had this username! I had this for a couple of years until I changed it to Younisco to be in line with other accounts that I had.
I also changed it to YounTheChive as a meme with some friends on the server who also suffixed their names with "TheChive" with people like
@Mattttttttttt &
@Damo999 - not entirely sure how that came about, but it just happened haha.
YouNB and YounB were the names I had when I first got helper here - I'm not too sure why I chose the B, or had NB, but I guess I had that for a while.
Changed it back to Younisco for the same reason above, and had this username back for almost 4 years now.
This thread is awesome - I'm gonna feature it to see if more people will respond.

Thanks for the thread again!