Same as llvqs, I grew up being fascinated by space. I sometimes still just go out randomly and stand in our garden when there's a clear sky simply to look up and enjoy the starry night. Geography was one of my favourite subjects in high school as I loved learning about the Earth, tectonic plates, what the earth and its core consist of and other planet related things. I'm a big sucker for facts, but space facts especially.
Planets don't actually make sound, but rather emit frequencies that can be translated through a thing called 'data sonification'. These frequencies are then translated into the sounds that you hear in the linked playlist.
My favourite planet has to be Uranus. Not because of haha silly goofy joke, no, but for an actual good reason. Same as Saturn, Uranus has rings, though they aren't as widely known. What may come as a surprise though, is that Uranus' rings are vertical! Not only the rings, but the planet as a whole lays and thus spins vertically. It is theorized that Uranus collided with a large meteorite which caused it to tilt sideways. Just like this guy: ü → c: (yes, a meteorite hit the little guy)...